Hailing from a rural town in the Mississippi Delta, Ebony Webber serves as the Chief Officer of Operations for the National Society for Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences, and has worked for MANRRS for the last 17 years. Ms. Webber strives daily to transform the National Society into a nationally recognized name as well as developing young, minority students into future leaders. Focused on developing strategic partnerships and building collaborative teams, Ms. Webber drives innovation and growth at MANRRS through programs connecting students and professionals in academia, government, nonprofit, and private industry.
Graduating at the top of the Computer Science and Mathematics Department, Ebony received her Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Stillman College and also holds a certification in Technology Management and a Master’s degree in Business Administration, both from the University of Phoenix. Ms. Webber is an alum of the National Urban League Emerging Leaders Program, United Way of Greater Atlanta Volunteer Involvement Program and the Georgia Center for Nonprofits High Potential Diverse Leaders Cohort. She is a member of the National Black MBA Association and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, and was recently appointed to the Women in Food and Agriculture Advisory Board.